

Contrôle de souvenirs

1) Que peux-tu dire à quelqu’un pour savoir:

a) quel âge il a:
b) où il est né:
c) s’il habite à la campagne ou dans une ville:
d) s’il vasouvent au cinéma:
e) à qui appartient cette voiture:

2) Comment-tu dire que:

a) tu aimes regarder les matches de foot à la télé:

b) tu aimerais aller aux Etats-Unis:

c) tu détestes lesaraignées:

d) l’acteur favori de ta mère est Brad Pitt:

e) tu préfères la natation à la course à pied:

3) Choisis la forme verbale qui convient.

a) My friend ……..…… six o’clockevery day.

Is getting / gets / to get .

b) She ………… the pictures on Saturdays.

Goes / is going / go .

c) He can’t talk to you, he …………..breakfast.Is having / has / have .

d) I ………..very happy to meet you.

Be / am / is .
e) My sister and I …………the same age.
Am / is / are.

4) Résume en 3 lignes en français le message de Paola.

Dear David,

How are you ? I’m fine. I’m in London, at the International School of English. I’m in class 3 with eight otherstudents. They’re all from different countries – Spain, France, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland, and Thailand. Our teacher’s name is Peter Briscall. He’s very nice. He’s funny and he’s a very goodteacher.

My new address is at the top of the letter. I’m with an English family, the Browns. Mr and Mrs Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. Theyare all very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them !

London is very big and very interesting. The weather is good – cold but sunny – and the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park,and St James’ Park are all in the centre. It isn’t easy to use the underground, but I understand it now. It’s very expensive !

English food is ok, but the coffee is horrible !
