The landlady part 1



Roald Dahl was a famous short story writer who became one of the most successful and beloved children’s writers of all time, he also wrote screenplays. His popularitycontinues to increase as his fantastic novels including the landlady.
The story, The landlady, is about a young man who is on a business trip in a litte English town called Bath. The yong man isbilly,and he is from LondonThe narrator choose the external point of view and it is a third person narrative.
On a one hand we will show how billy is naive and on the other hand we will focuse on the Bedand Breakfast.

It is the first time that Billy is travelling alone,he is only seventeen year old and he had never been to bath before that’s why he is a litte bit lost.He hasked the porter a cheapplace to stay for the night,the porter recommended the Bell and Dragon for lodging,a quarter-mile from his current position.He decided then to walk until the Bed and Dragon. Billy is a little bitunconscious, he don’t know anybody living in bath and he is walking alone.Notice the « briskness » (l29) of Billy. It is a business quality he would like to have, Billy often act briskly in hisdecision,he is not use to take decison by himself. Billy is portrayed as a young and spruce man. This is shown by his new work clothes, « He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat, a new brown trilby hat, and anew brown suit ». The repetition of the word new also emphasises the fact that he is very excited about his new job and has to be very prepared. Roald Dahl also portrays Billy as an ambitious young man.While he was walking he can feel that the atmosphere was queer and the house was special« only a house of tall houses on each side, all of them identical » ( l 32-33 ). It was like the street willnever stop « wide street he was walking along » ( l 32). In spite of all that stuff,he continue his way.

Passing on ,Billy was distracted by a litte « Bed and Breakfast » place.He immediatly stop…