
Tunisia(officially the Tunisian Republic), is a country located in North Africa. It is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its sizeis almost 165,000 km² with an estimated population of just over 10.3 million. Its name is derived from the capital Tunis located in the north-east.
The seasons..As with its landscape, Tunisia’sclimate offers a season for everyone’s taste. Sailing, surfing, diving, golfing, exploring the archeological sites, deserts and oasis is a pleasure from October to May when the average temperature rangesfrom 12-28° C.
Spring, March through May, brings spectacular displays of wild flowers throughout the countryside and Autumn, October to December, offer warm seas and a particularly golden sun. FromJune through September warm weather is the rule and August brings the peak of the summer heat. This is the season for the joy of refreshing a sun bronzed body in the cool sparkling Mediterranean
Anisland of ten thousand palm trees rising from the sea like a mirage. This Polynesia of the Mediterranean is ringed by miles of fine sandy beaches and luxury hotels, ultra modern or built in the fashionof the traditional Djerbian « menzel », stand ready to welcome the traveller.
Hospitable and friendly Djerba welcomes you to participate in its festivals – watch the « Gougou » dancers in Midoun, join awedding procession following the bride hidden high on a camel and preceded by the joyous music of tambourines and flutes. Steal a few precious moments to share the splendor of a Mediterranean sunsetwith fishermen casting their nets. Refreshed and relaxed return again and again
Dougga is all that one dreams a Roman site should be. Grandiosetemples and theaters, forum and markets stand in remarkable repair on a mountainside overlooking wheat fields and valley. Imposing Dougga spreads over 65 hectares, its position on the slopes forced Roman…