Biblio justice transitionnelle

Bibliographie indicative:

• Allen, Tom, “Restitution and Transitional justice in the European court of human rights” Columbia Journal of European Law, 2006/2007, pp.1-46.
• Aukerman, Miriam J.,“Extraordinary evil, ordinary crime: a framework for understanding transitional justice”, Harvard human rights journal, 2002, vol. 15, pp. 39-97.
• Azar, Aïda, “Le tribunal spécial pour le Liban: uneexpérience originale?”, RGDIP, 2007, pp.643-658.
• Ballengee, Melissa, “The critical role of non-governmental organizations in transitional justice: a case study of Guatemala”, UCLA Journal ofInternational Law and Foreign Affairs, 1999-2000, pp. 477-506.
• Bell, Catherine; O’Rourke, Catherine, “Does feminism Need a Theory of Transitional Justice? An introductory essay”, The InternationalJournal of Transitional Justice, vol. 1, 2007, pp.23-44.
• Ben Achour, Rafâa, “Le droit international de la démocratie”, Cours Euro-méditerranéens Bancaja de Droit International, 2000, vol. IV, pp.324-362.
• Blatz, Charles V., “Reason, Peace, Transitional Justice and Punishment”, International Journal of Peace Studies, vol. 11, n°1, 2006, pp.59-89.
• Boraine, Alexander L., “Transitional justice:a holistic interpretation”, Journal of International Affairs, 2006, vol. 60, Issue 1, pp. 17-27.
• Boed, Roman, “An evaluation of the legality and efficacy of lustration as a tool of TransitionalJustice”, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 1999, pp. 357-402.
• Bohl, Kristin, “Breaking the rules of Transitional Justice”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 2006, pp.557-585.
• Boisson deChazournes, Laurence et Condorelli, Luigi « De la « responsabilité de protéger », ou d’une nouvelle parure pour une notion déjà bien établie », 2006, RGDIP, pp. 11-18.
• Call, Charles T., “Istransitional Justice Really Just?”, The Brown Journal of international Affairs, 2004, vol.XI, issue 1, pp. 101-113.
• Cho, Kuk, “Transitional justice in Korea: Legally coping with past wrongs after…