
Print Date: Thu Oct 22 11:56:26 CEST 2009

MODEL 525 MAINTENANCE MANUAL (Rev 20) 4-10-00 (Rev 9)

1. General A. The inspection time intervals that apply to the systems andcomponents that follow represent the maximum inspection intervals which must be adhered to. Detailed inspection and maintenance check procedures are described in the associated tasks elsewhere inthis manual. 2. Inspection Schedule NOTE: For the locations that follow, it is necessary to do an initial inspection and subsequent regular structural inspections to find fatigue cracks. Detailedinspection procedures and illustrations of the specific locations will be available in the Model 525 Nondestructive Testing Manual. A. Landing Gear (Chapter 32) (1) Nose Landing Gear Fork (Part Number6342000-3, -32, -39) – Examine at 5,000 landings and every 1,000 landings thereafter. Refer to Task 32-20-00-230 . NOTE: These components have replacement time limits. Refer to 4-11-00, Replacement TimeLimits . B. Fuselage (Part Number 6310000-2) (Chapter 53) (1) Cabin skin around cockpit side crew window and window retainer (Airplanes -0001 thru -0500) Examine every 1,200 hours. Refer to Task53-10-07-250 . (2) Exterior Fuselage Skin – Examine at 6,000 hours and every 2,400 hours thereafter. Refer to Task 53-30-00-210 . (3) Cabin Lower Skin Longitudinal Splice – Examine every 6,000 hours. Refer toTask 53-30-00-251 . (4) Forward Pressure Bulkhead Retaining Ring – Examine at 7,200 hour and every 2,400 hours thereafter. Refer to Task 53-10-05-251 . (5) Aft Pressure Bulkhead Retaining Ring (a)Airplanes -0001 thru -0332 – Examine at 9600 hours and every 1,200 hours thereafter. Refer to Task 53-10-05-252 . (b) Airplanes -0333 and On – Examine at 12,000 hours and every 3,000 hour thereafter.Refer to Task 53-10-05-252 . (6) Forward Side of Forward Pressure Bulkhead, Stringers and Bulkheads – Examine at 7,200 hours and every 2,400 hours thereafter. Refer to Task 53-10-05-210 . (7) Aft…