
The theme developed on the document is the following one: the distance from salary between men and women.
Wage difference between men and women is the theme developed in this document.
Through the document several interpretations can be made.
These charts describe two points.

1 First of all, we notice that the full-time workers doesn’t stop decreasing.
First of all, the line chart showsthat the average female wage as a percentage of the male wage tends to decrease.
Then, the curve concerning the category of all the workers decreases too.
This trend concerns both full-time workers and all workers and shows that the pay differential between men and women has increased.
However this gap is bigger for all workers because the average female wage as a percentage of the average malewage is lower regarding to the second line. So this means that the pay differential is bigger for part-time jobs.
2Besides, the averages of salary are very significant.
We notice that the average wage with child isn’t the same for a man that a woman. A man gets a salary 100 % whereas a woman gets 91 % of the salary, is a 9 % decrease.
Furthermore, the average of salary when a woman to a child iseven bigger, a man gets 100 % and a woman 67 % is a 33 % distance.
Finally, the salary becomes again a little more interesting when the children grow but there is a distance from 28 % salary.
Then the histogram shows that this gap is more significant when women get children.
Before motherhood, women get 91% of men wage in average.
Once they have children the difference increases by 24 points.Indeed, the female average wage with children represents only 67% of the male one.
However their salary improves a bit when children get older. It increases again by 5 points and the difference gets a little bit less significant. When workers’ children grow up women earn around 28% less than men.

We can deduct several interpretations from it:
Several interpretations can be made from theseobservations.
There is a disparity between men and women concerning the salary, for the same work a woman will win much less than a man.
There is such a disparity between men and women salaries because of sex discrimination.
In most of companies, a job has not the same value if it is done by a man or a woman.
In our society it is difficult to imagine that the women could gain so much that themen, because the professional success is easier to imagine for a man than for a woman.
In Society today, people can hardly imagine women earning as much as men or even more. The reason is that professional success of women has not been completely accepted by men yet.
The disparities can explain in several ways:
Besides, responsible jobs are occupied by men because in the society, the postshigh-ranking with important income are reserved only for the men. It is impossible for the majority of the population to imagine that a woman is going to manage a big company.
Plus responsible jobs are taken by men most of time. High-qualified and well-paid jobs are mainly allocated to men. Majority of people can’t imagine a woman managing a big company.
Furthermore, the women are obliged to takecare of children, then the part-time work becomes almost an obligation, if they want to educate correctly their children.
Given that the women are obliged to take care of children, it is difficult to reconcile a full-time work and a family life, so a majority of the women prefer to gain less money but to take care of their children.
And most of women have to look after children, so part-timeworking almost becomes an obligation.
The reason is that they want the best education for their children. Plus they can’t afford time for both family and work. Moreover part-time working is financially more advantageous than hiring a nanny.
Nevertheless, when a woman is alone to take care of her children, her salaries are not sufficient to meet the needs of her family. Because, take care children…