Halal consumers

Horizons Study Shoppers 2010
Technical Description Brands, Distribution, Halal Certification:
Attitude and purchasing Behaviours of Customers from North Africa

Contact : Abbas Bendali 00 331 55 37 96 00 00 336 22 07 77 05 [email protected] http://www.solisfrance.com

February 2010

la diversité en genre et en nombre


Introduction………………………………………………………… p 3 Objectives……………………………………………………….. p7

Methodology……………………………………………………….. p 10 Some results………………………………………..…………….. p 16 Contact…………………………………………………………………p 24




The last few months have seen the most significant development ever, in the evolution of the Halal market in France. Yet these products have been present in supermarkets for over ten years. The suddenspeeding up of the new “marketing history” in this market, in the context of Ramadan 2009, is remarkable in more ways than one :
Product launches have been numerous, not only with the presence of more well-known food industry brands, but also retail brands; For the first time, the mass media (outdoor advertising in large French cities and communication through national TV channels) has been used toleverage marketing; Product distribution has been expanded to a larger part of the hyper and supermarket circuit extending product range, clearly helped by the period of Ramadan.

It is certain that the final sales figures for the year 2009 will be carefully scrutinised and will be rich in analysis and feedback for the key players in this market. The purpose is to provide ideas concerning thestrategies to choose in the future, to continue the expansion of this market segment.

The Halal Market represents a minimal potentiel, estimated to be:
5 million consumers; An estimated turnover of €4.5 billion in 2010 (Solis) in hyper/supermarkets and traditional stores and €1 billion of consumption out of the home, with a focus on fast food. A two-digit growth market.Obviously, this market represents an opportunity for growth in this period of recession. The Halal market will continue to increase and mature thanks to the following factors:
High consumer expectation; An expanding offer (diverse products, means of consumption…); Better organised channels of distribution; And an increase in demand with the arrival of the «Diversity Babyboomers».

The fierce competitionbetween the players in this market will push them to invest in marketing as a means of gaining shelf space positioning and of becoming the customers’ first choice.

Solis has specialized for several years in marketing studies concerning these population segments in France. We currently hold:
Exclusive data taken from our research work concerning the size and the demographicstructure of the populations of descendants of immigrants, which has enabled us to have state of the art samples from our enquiries; A network of nation-wide investigators who have affinities with the different population segments being questioned (North Africa, Sub-saharian Africa, the Caribbean); An acknowledged expertise, acquired thanks to a permanent link with university research and ourrelationship with our customers (marketing

professionals in large distribution, services, the media and government bodies).




Objectives of the study

To gather marketing information from the North African population living in France in order to quantify the consumption of, and attitudes toward, the Halal market; we have focused on:
Notoriety, image and perception ofthe main Halal brands currently active on the market; Purchasing behaviour of the population segment; Factors influencing purchasing habits.

The purpose of the information collected is to provide elements for analysis and decision-making concerning marketing strategy, to insure development and sales.


Key questions

How strong is my brand compared to my competitors ?

What is my…