The walt disney company organizational behaviour

The Walt Disney Company
Roy and Walt Disney founded the Walt Disney Company on October 16 1923. It has since become one of the most renowned studios in Hollywood and most specifically for its animation pictures. The Walt Disney Company is present in numerous markets: theater, publishing, radio and online media. It is also has under its umbrella American television networks such as ABC and ESPN.One of the most famous aspects of the Walt Disney Company is its themes parks, which are present in 11 locations worldwide. The Company has been highly recognized for its organizational behavior that came from the visionary Walt Disney’s beliefs on how to sell the magic that Disney represents.

Organizational Behavior has been a very important part of the Walt Disney Company and their successworldwide, due to their attention to detail and very carefully trained employees it has been able to create a very envied image. Disney Institute is a section of the Company devoted solely to the training and shaping of employees and establishing the principles of the Company to the workers. Since it was founded in 1986, the Disney Institute has catered to many different industries in bringing themthe structure and motivation in their workforce that has been so successful at Disney.

Company Employees (Company outlook on the Company)

-(commitment) The very day of the interview, the prospective candidates are given a 3h introduction to the company organizational culture, and are shown videos of what is expected from them. It also covers some rules that are to be followed such as notattoos, piercing, jewelry, or excessive makeup. At this point, about 10 percent of the candidates leave, which is exactly what the interviewers are looking for. They get rid of people who won’t fit the company vision.

-(involvement)Disney knows the importance of having motivated employees to run a successful business. When an employee is motivated, they are more likely to go « above and beyond » toreach their goals, to display enthusiasm, and not to give up before the task is done.

There are many ways in which a person can be motivated and be motivated for many different reasons.

-(appraisal)Every Cast Member encountered in Disney theme parks serves the customer as a guest and not treat them like a burden because they actually have to do their job.
Disney has created a culture fortheir employees where they feel that they are valued as an individual and a vital part of the team.

-(pride)They keep in mind that they play their part in the big play, that they have a responsibility in the magical experience of each and everyone of the guests they encounter.
An all-inclusive workforce?
• The Walt Disney Company currently employs 175,000 people all of which go throught theDisney Institute process.
• 37.6% of the Walt Disney Company’s workforce is Latino, Black and Asian, 43.4% of their new hires emerge from these ethnic backgrounds aswell.
• The Company is currently ranked 29th worldwide for their diversity by Diversity Inc.
• The average age is of 33
• The Company employs 53% male and 47% female.


Employees Benefits

Disneyuses a wide variety of techniques to motivate their employees. Disney gives a reward called the Spirit of Fred to its most recognized « cast members ». According to Nelson (2007), the employees that receive this award are recognized for being Friendly, Resourceful, Enthusiastic, and Dependable. These employees are publicly recognized for their achievement with a certificate as well as a bronzeMickey Mouse statuette. Disney also gives their cast members complimentary theme park passes, awards for service, the ability to purchase stock, a personal assistant network and even provides scholarship programs. Andy Mooney, the President of Disney Consumer Products, said « This organization is a wellspring of creativity both in terms of our employees and those associated with the organization-in…